
- 67 - 3.6.3 Coordination with external players The information agreements with the offices of the préfets are satisfactory. As mentioned earlier, they now include delegation of authority to trigger the PPI in the reflex phase, except for CEA Saclay (currently at the signing stage). Agreements have in general been concluded with all crisis stakeholders, SDIS, gendarmerie, hospitals, etc. The La Hague site is also covered by an aerial surveillance agreement. The implementation of these agreements, in particular with the SDIS, is generally tested during the drills. With regard to multi-licensee sites, coordination agreements are essential. These are not always complete, such as for example the incomplete nature of the mobile emergency resources stipulated by the ILL. Assistance agreements are also signed with other licensees outside the sites (GIE INTRA). The national crisis organisation requires real-time provision of site meteorological data for assessment of the zone affected and the possible radiological consequences of any releases. This point must of course be covered by an up-to-date agreement with Météo France. 3.6.4 Exercises and integration of experience feedback The sites schedule exercises on an annual basis, generally one per year. Personnel participation in the exercises is monitored by the HR department or the PUI supervisor. The training courses generally include participation in a PUI exercise, at specified intervals. A few isolated nonconformities were observed, for example at Socatri or Comurhex. On the sites with several BNIs operated by the same licensee (CEA Saclay, CEA Cadarache), this scheduling does not necessarily include participation by all the BNIs on the site, either simultaneously or alternately. The facilities are not covered exhaustively. In this respect, the inspection of the La Hague site was an opportunity to run an exercise in 4 units simultaneously (local PCs) without saturating the general PC. It should also be noted that a large-scale exercise is planned for the Cadarache site in 2012. In terms of good practices, Mélox runs an annual exercise on the transition to safeguard of the electrical power supplies. Each exercise is written up in a report contributing to experience feedback. However, a number of followup letters mention a lack of structure in the monitoring of the participants and the corrective measures, or even a complete absence of this report, several months after the exercise (CEA Saclay). 3.6.5 Crisis management resources Inventory and monitoring of PUI equipment The equipment necessary for or dedicated to crisis management is generally listed and subject to appropriate periodic inspections. However, some facilities such as RJH or Masurca do not carry out their own monitoring of this equipment, without necessarily checking that the CEA site actually does. On some sites, the inspections revealed that these lists were incomplete by comparison with the equipment actually used and that there were no periodic checks (ILL, ATPu, Osiris, Phénix). For Masurca, the inspection found a significant discrepancy in that the site's general documents, given the prolonged shutdown of the facility (about 10 years now), are no longer representative of the current level of risk on the facility. In the current configuration, they erroneously give Masurca priority as regards the other facilities in the event of an emergency. Backup electrical power supply resources (also see 3.5) The technical checks on the correct operation of the backup electrical power supplies, such as electricity generating sets, batteries and UPS devices are not performed exhaustively with respect to the defined programmes (Osiris, ILL, Phénix, Eurodif, Comurhex, Socatri). The radiological monitoring equipment and criticality alarms have to be backed up by these safeguard power supplies, which is not for example the case in Mélox. It should be noted that on the La Hague site, the backup electricity supply to the FLS security turnstiles and gates is not seismic qualified. They could prove to be major obstacles to evacuation or emergency intervention, including in the case of a very slight