French National Plan for the Management of Radioactive Materials and Waste for 2013-2015
For professionals

The National Radioactive Materials and Waste Management Plan (PNGMDR) is a key tool in ensuring the long-term implementation of the principles laid down in the Programme Act of 28th June 2006 concerning the sustainable management of radioactive materials and waste. It aims primarily to produce a regular picture of radioactive substances management policy, to evaluate new requirements and to determine the objectives to be met in the future, particularly with regard to studies and research. Its validity was confirmed at a European level, by the adoption on 19th July 2011 of the directive establishing a community framework for the responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste.
The 2013-2015 edition of the Plan is the third PNGMDR. In aiming to share views and proposals , the DGEC and ASN decided to once again draft the PNGMDR on the basis of presentations and discussions from a pluralistic working group, comprising environmental protection associations, regulatory authorities and regulatory assessment bodies, alongside the producers and the managers of radioactive waste.
The PNGMDR proposes possible solutions for improving the management of all radioactive materials and waste.
These proposals are the result of extensive work carried out since the first version of the PNGMDR covering the period 2007-2009, in particular the production and subsequent assessment of the studies required by the Government. Though much progress has been made, it is essential that the work be continued. The aim is to maintain progress in the sustainable management of radioactive materials and waste, by defining final, longterm solutions for all these substances. It is our responsibility not to pass this burden on to future generations.
DVS-DRC-ATR-020365-2014.pdf (PDF - 5.06 Mo )
Date of last update : 03/09/2021