News releases

All the news about nuclear safety and radiation protection

469 news

Published on 17/01/2011 at 17:24

HERCA / Statement on the justification of full body-scanners using X-rays

On 1 December 2010, at the 6th meeting held in Paris of the association HERCA, which brings together the Heads of European Radiological protection Competent Authorities, HERCA has approved a Statement on the justification of full body-scanners using X-rays for security purposes.

Published on 13/01/2011 at 17:00

Nuclear safety serves the general interest

On the occasion of the New Year, the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN), through its president, Mr André-Claude Lacoste, presented his best wishes to the press on 11 January.

Published on 06/12/2010 at 10:44

European directive on management of radioactive waste and spent fuel

On 3 November 2010, the European Commission officially adopted a draft directive[1] on management of radioactive waste and spent fuel. It has now been submitted to the Council of Ministers of the European Union (EU) and the European Parliament, which will examine the terms of the proposal.

Published on 03/12/2010 at 10:35

Continued operation of reactor 1 at the Tricastin Nuclear Power Plant

On 4 November 2010, ASN approved continuing operation of reactor 1 at the Tricastin Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) for an additional ten years after thirty years in service.
At the same time, ASN is requiring EDF to implement technical instructions setting new operating conditions for reactor 1 of the Tricastin NPP to gradually raise the safety level.
As part of its ongoing responsibilities, ASN will continue monitoring of the operation of reactor 1 of the Tricastin NPP.

Published on 22/11/2010 at 10:32

France signs a tripartite agreement with CERN and Switzerland

On Monday 15th November 2010, ASN Chairman André-Claude Lacoste, on behalf of the French government , signed an agreement with the Swiss Federal Council and the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) concerning protection against ionising radiation and the safety of CERN’s facilities.

Published on 05/11/2010 at 17:00

Serviceability of 900 MWe reactor pressure vessels

In order to take into account pressure vessel aging and possible changes in available knowledge and information, the demonstration of the serviceability of NPP pressure vessels is regularly updated by EDF and examined by the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN). In anticipation of the decisions to be taken regarding the continued operation of each 900 MWe reactor after the third ten-year inspection (VD3), EDF has submitted a justification documents for technical evaluation by the ASN with the technical support of the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN).

Published on 15/10/2010 at 11:39

HERCA/European Radiation Passbook

HERCA[1], the association of the Heads of European Radiological protection Competent Authorities, approves the content for a harmonized European Radiation Passbook which will be sent to the European Commission for its inclusion in the European BSS.

Published on 24/09/2010 at 17:51

ASN undertakes review of safety options for the new ATMEA 1 reactor

Several countries are planning to build new nuclear power plants. In this context, ATMEA, the joint venture formed by French industrial group, AREVA, and the Japanese industrial group, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), called upon ASN to carry out a review of the safety options[1] for a new Pressurized Water Reactor known as ATMEA1. According to ATMEA, this medium-output reactor (1100 MWe) is mainly for the export market.

Published on 24/08/2010 at 10:37

Instrumentation and control system of the Flamanville 3 EPR

In order to improve the robustness of the instrumentation and control (I&C) system [1] of the EPR reactor, ASN asked EDF to modify one of the reactor’s control platforms. EDF had already considered this modification towards the end of 2009 in response to ASN’s request on 15 October 2009.

Published on 24/08/2010 at 10:32

Quarterly assessment of radiotherapy events

Twenty-one events, classified as level 1 on the ASN-SFRO scale, were reported between 1 April and 30 June 2010. Although these events are not expected to have any impact on patients’ health, they are analysed to see if any lessons can be learnt from them (particularly as regards organisation) and to avoid any recurrence.

Published on 30/07/2010 at 17:50

Publication of ASN 2009 report in English

For the fifth consecutive year, the English version of the ASN annual report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection is available on its dedicated website, at the following address :

Published on 30/07/2010 at 17:50

Annual report 2010

For the sixth consecutive year, the English version of the ASN annual report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection is available on its dedicated website, at the following address :