ASN Report 2022

Concerning environmental protection, ASN considers that the Gravelines NPP has improved its maintenance response to the challenges presented by the equipment using the insulating greenhouse gas (SF6) and that it must continue its efforts on the facilities for treating the radioactive effluents produced by reactor operation. A tightened inspection will be carried out in 2023. In terms of radiation protection, on the basis of a tightened inspection conducted in 2022 and year-round monitoring, ASN considers that the situation remains sub-standard and that the site is still unable to restore it to a satisfactory level, despite the preventive measures put in place in 2021. The efforts must be increased in order to rapidly and sustainably restore satisfactory performance in occupational radiation protection in 2023. The labour inspection actions conducted in 2022 were split between the inspections on the maintenance work sites, particularly during reactor outages, and specific inspections focusing on subjects such as lifting, electrical risks and work times. Regular meetings were organised with senior management, members of the health, safety and working conditions committee, and personnel representatives. The number of workplace accidents remains high in 2022 despite the measures taken by the licensee. Non-compliance with certain vital rules, induced by individual behaviours or work organisations, and shortcomings in the control of equipment lockout/tagouts were observed on several occasions. The labour inspectorate will be particularly attentive to these aspects in its next inspections. On 5 July 2022, the ASN Chairman visited the Gravelines NPP to meet employees and contractors and get their feedback on the effects of the site’s “plan of rigour” put in place to improve safety performance. He had met the members of the Gravelines Local Information Committee (CLI) the day before. 62 ABSTRACTS – ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2022 Regional overview of nuclear safety and radiation protection • HAUTS-DE-FRANCE •