ASN Report 2022

These assessment meetings enable the players to share their experience through a participative approach. They more specifically revealed: ∙ the importance of having scenarios that are as realistic as possible, in real meteorological conditions and that are technically complex enough to be able to provide useful experience feedback; ∙ the importance of communication in an emergency situation, in particular to inform the public and foreign authorities as rapidly as possible and avoid the spread of rumours liable to hamper good emergency management, in France and in other countries; ∙ the importance of providing the decision-makers with a clear view of the radiological impacts in the form of maps: the tool called “Criter” developed by IRSN gives a representation of the results of environmental radioactivity measurements. 4. Outlook The year 2022 saw a return to a normal rhythm for preparation and training for emergency management. The exercises and real situations managed by the ASN emergency teams in 2022, and the implementation of revised training and practice procedures, reinforced their competence and their experience. The exercises and inspections with situational exercises carried out by ASN, verified the ability of the licensees to manage an emergency. Certain areas for improvement were identified and will be rapidly implemented. In the post-accident field, work on the preparation for and management of the consequences of a nuclear accident were continued and intensified, notably with the publication of new recommendations from the Codirpa to the Government which supplement the lessons learned from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP (see box previous page). A report reviewing the safety and radiation culture around the nuclear installations was also published by the Codirpa. Further to the recommendations of this report, several members of the Codirpa were actively involved in preparing and organising the national day for resilience to natural and technological risks, the first edition of which was held on 13 October 2022. In 2023, ASN will continue with its active involvement in the preparation, performance and OEF from the various national emergency exercises carried out with the Prefectures. Transboundary coordination will also be given particularly close attention, through the work done with neighbouring countries. With regard to post-accident management, the work of the Codirpa will continue, notably with proposals being awaited regarding the strategy for waste management following an accident. ASN will make efforts to involve the population in this process, notably by proposing new panels of citizens. Finally, in 2023, the tools of the emergency centre will also be reinforced, for simpler and more practical access to the State’s mapping tools. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2022 179 • 04 • Radiological emergency and post-accident situations 01 04 07 08 13 AP 10 06 12 14 03 09 05 11 02