ASN Report 2022

22 Reactor trip 28 Design, manufacturing or assembly anomaly 5 Occurrence of an internal or external natural hazard (flood, fire, etc.) 3 Event or anomaly specific to the primary or secondary system 31 Inadvertent start-up of a protection or safeguard system 1 Confirmed or attempted malicious act liable to affect the safety of the facility 332 Non-compliance or event which could lead to non-compliance with technical operating specifications TOTAL 687 27 Transition to shutdown state according to the technical operating specifications or accident procedures 238 Other significant events which could affect safety GRAPH Events involving safety in the nuclear power plants reported in 2022 1 17 Fault, deterioration or failure which affected a safety function 13 Event actually or potentially affecting the containment of hazardous materials 10 Event which led to or which could have led to the spreading of hazardous materials 10 Inadvertent start-up of a protection or safeguard system 8 On-site or off-site hazard affecting the availability of important equipment TOTAL 162 20 Other significant event which could affect safety 79 Event which led to safety limits being exceeded 5 Event concerning on-site transports GRAPH Events involving safety in BNIs other than nuclear power plants reported in 2022 2 18 Non-compliance with an operational requirement which could lead to a significant impact 1 Confirmed or attempted malicious act liable to affect the environment 1 Discovery of a site significantly polluted by chemical or radioactive materials 12 Confirmed overshoot of a discharge or concentration limit for microbiological substances 5 Non-compliance with the site or facility waste study TOTAL 123 11 Bypassing of normal discharge channels, with a significant impact in terms of radioactive substances 35 Non-compliance with the Order of 31 December 1999 19 Other significant event which could affect the environment 21 Bypassing of normal discharge channels, with a significant impact in terms of chemical substances GRAPH Significant environmental events in the BNIs reported in 2022 3 158 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2022 • 03 • Regulation of nuclear activities and exposure to ionising radiation 03